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My Queer Torah

Welcome to My Queer Torah, a blog by one trans man, working his way through the Torah, one parsha at a time. I started this because I've been reading the Torah every Saturday morning for a few years, but I had trouble finding myself within it. I'm a transgender, bisexual man (in a homosexual relationship) and the words often felt far, far away from my reality, yet I found myself drawn to it, over and over. I'm not trained in Talmud- I can't even really read Hebrew. But I am curious. And I am persistent. And I didn't see anything like this. So I started writing this blog to help myself decode my own queer connection to the Torah, and maybe- just maybe- help someone else find their connection too.

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METZORAH (LEV 14:1- 15:33)

This parshah often gets read with another parshah, last week’s tazria. So much so that all of the commentaries in TQ AND on the Keshet...

TAZRIA (LEV. 12:1- 13:59)

TAZRIA (LEVITICUS 12:1- 13:59) This week’s parshah deals with cleanliness and purity (those might not/probably aren’t) perfect...


SHEMINI (LEVITICUS 9:1- 11:47) This week’s parshah has an interesting section that I was actually, weirdly, looking forward to reading...

TSAV (LEVITICUS 6:1- 8:36)

TSAV (LEVITICUS 6:1- 8:36) Today we had our second meeting of our Trans/Nonbinary book club for my synagogue ( I am writing this a few...


VAYIKRA (LEVITICUS 1:1- 5:26) This week is the first parshah of Leviticus, and here we leave the “easier” to read books of Genesis and...

PEKUDEI (EXODUS 38:21–40:38)

PEKUDEI (EXODUS 38:21–40:38) This is completely different that any of my ther posts, but I was thinking this week a lot about learning...

VAYAKHEL (EX. 35:1- 38:20)

VAYAKHEL (35:1- 38:20) In this week’s parshah, basically we return to the construction of the Mishkan. Moses calls the people together...

KI TISA (EX. 30:11- 34:35)

KI TISA (30:11- 34:35) This week’s portion cover’s the Israelite’s building of the golden calf, Moses smashing the tablets, Moses leading...

TETZAVEH (EX. 27.20-30.10)

TETZAVEH (EX 27.20 – 30.10) So this week’s portion gives long and detailed instructions detailing the ordination of the priests (Aharon’s...

TERUMAH (EX 25.1 – 27.19)

“Let them make me a holy shrine That I may dwell amidst them.” (EX. 25.8) This week’s Torah portion begins a few weeks of soporific...

MISHPATIM (Ex. 21.1- 24.18)

1/29/22 MISHPATIM (EXODUS 21.1- 24.18) I started a new job a few weeks ago. This doesn’t have anything to do with being queer, or the...

YITRO (EX. 18.1- 20.23)

1/22/22 YITRO (EXODUS 18.1- 20.23) I learned only a few years ago that the weekly sections of the Torah are named for the first...

BESHALACH (EX. 13:17- 17:16)

(1/15/22) BESHALACH (EXODUS 13:17- 17:16) This week we get a lot of the meat of the exodus story. We get the Israelites fleeing Egypt,...

BO (EX. 10:1- 13:16)

(1/8/22) BO (EXODUS 10:1- 13:16) This parshah was my oldest daughter’s parshah for her Bat Mitzvah. I feel like she got one of the most...

VA-ERA (EXODUS 6:2- 9:35)

VA-ERA (EXODUS 6:2 – 9:35) Reading the Women’s Torah Commentary this week reminded me EXACTLY why I am doing this. One of my favorite...

SHEMOT (EXODUS 1:1- 6:1)

This week began the book of Exodus, and so so SO much happens in this portion its crazy. There is so much to say about this parshah...

VAYECHI (GEN 47:28- 50:26)

In this parshah we read the conclusion of Genesis, the conclusion of the Joseph and Jacob story. It ends by focusing, mostly, it seems to...

VAYIGASH (GEN 44:18- 47:27)

VAYIGASH (GEN 44:18- 47:27) This week’s parshah opens with Judah (who, of course, is the brother who originally argued that they all sell...

MIKETZ (GEN 41:1-44:17)

MIKETZ (GEN 41:1- 44:17) Continuing this week with the Joseph story, this parshah begins with the Pharoah’s dreams and takes us right up...

VAYESHEV (GEN 37:1 -40:23)

VAYESHEV (GEN 37:1 -40:23) Despite the fact that this Torah portion is actually potentially one of the most interesting in the entire...

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